Probably the single most exciting accesories to have emerged for Treonauts in this range in recent months are handheld Bluetooth GPS navigation units – they’re absolutely fantastic and I’ve been completely hooked!
TomTom Navigator 5 Bundle
Turn your Treo smartphone into an in-car navigation system with this official TomTom bundle of a Bluetooth GPS receiver and the TomTom Navigator 5 software.
Buy Now $299.95
Palm GPS Navigator Bundle
Transform your smartphone into the ultimate navigation solution. Whether you're driving to a new destination or strolling through an unfamiliar city, the GPS Navigator, helps you reach your destination.
Buy Now $239.95
Additionally, there are a few unique accessories that will prove essential for Treonauts with certain superior requirements.
Enfora WiFi Adapter
The Enfora Wi-Fi Adapter for the Treo 650 allows Treo 650 users to access Wi-Fi hotspots to surf the Internet and send and receive email at high speeds!
Buy Now $149.95
ThinkOutside Stowaway Bluetooth Keyboard
A compact yet full-sized keyboard with 18 mm spacing, this keyboard connects using Bluetooth.
Buy Now $129.95
Supertooth II
The Supertooth II is a powerful Bluetooth speakerphone that makes it easy to use your Treo hands-free in loud environments.
Buy Now $109.95